[Photos] New Japanese Trend Involves Wearing Panties on Their Heads

[Photos] New Japanese Trend Involves Wearing Panties on Their Heads

Japan is always taking the lead in avant-garde trends and even though no other country has caught up to their last five or six trends, they continue to up the standard. This trend was inspired by “Hentai Kamen,” the “abnormal superhero.”

Billed as “the abnormal superhero” under salutations such as “panty bless you,” Hentai Kamen is a strange “homo-erotic parody of a Power Ranger” who wears panties on his head to conceal his identity and … nothing else. Continue reading

Green & Mean?: Study Shows Organic Eaters Are Less Likely to Help Others

Green & Mean?: Study Shows Organic Eaters Are Less Likely to Help Others

If you think that because someone eats organic foods they are altruistic hippy enthusiasts, think again. Psychologist Dr Kendall Eskine shows that people who are exposed to more organic foods, are less likely to be a helping hand for others based on his study of 62 students.

It also makes them judge immoral behavi[o]r more harshly … while comfort foods can lead to us being more social and making kinder moral judgments.

One [group] was given pictures of organic produce, another images of ice cream, cookies, chocolate and brownies, and a control group pictures of porridge, rice, mustard and beans. Continue reading

[NSFW] Nude Feminist Protesters Storm Notre Dame Cathedral After Pope’s Resignation

[NSFW] Nude Catholic Women Protesters Storm Notre Dame Cathedral After Pope's Resignation

Hoards of French women mixed with political controversy, Catholic guilt and enough anger to make Obama wince in rage: what could go wrong?

Some nine women with the Ukrainian group Femen flashed their breasts at the iconic site while ringing the cathedral’s huge church bells and shouting “Pope No More.”

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[Photos] Man Lives in Tomb of a Serbian Cemetery for 15 Years

Man Lives in Serbian Cemetery for 15 Years

When the homeless can’t find solace in stranger’s cars, abandoned homes or even boxes, the grave yard becomes more and more appealing.Specifically this homeless man, Bratislav Stojanovic, appreciates the peace and quiet.

“As other homeless people robbed me on several occasions, I’ve decided to find a place where no one would bother me, not even police,” he said. Continue reading

15-Year-Old Suspended for Dying Hair a “Distracting Red”

15-Year-Old Suspended for Dying Hair a "Distracting Red"

Uniforms are being implemented all over the United States to keep children’s volatile minds from going to war over who is the most unique and this Utah school is no exception. Hurricane Middle School suspended a red head for her locks being just too luscious.

A rule in the Washington County School District, which includes Hurricane Middle School, says, “Hair color should be within the spectrum of color that grows naturally.”

“They brought me into the office and told me (my hair) had to be changed by the next day,” MacKay told The Spectrum (of St. George, Utah).

“They told me I could finish my week’s worth (of schoolwork) in the office so nobody could see me,” she added.

But when MacKay wasn’t able to get an appointment at the salon that night, school administrators doubled-down, demanding that MacKay either “go to Walmart and dye it myself” or not return to school, she said. Continue reading