Man Sends Dog to Be Euthanized for being Gay

Man Sends Dog to Be Euthanized for being Gay stat save the animal today

The United States has been extending civil rights and gays are soon hoping to have the right to marry, but are we forgetting about basic rights for man’s (gay) best friend?

A Facebook campaign was set up to try and save the “gay” dog, according to the Atlantic. A Facebook post detailing the troubling situation called for immediate action. Continue reading

Sheep Can Now Text Each Other When Wolves Attack

Animals can’t enjoy the joys of texting. Or can they?

When the sheep are attacked by a predator, their rising heart rate is picked up by the special collar. The collar then releases a special wolf repellant, and the shepherd is notified of the wolf’s presence by text message.

For now, the entire system is in the prototype stage: Scientists outfitted ten test sheep and exposed them to muzzled wolves to make sure the collars worked. Should further testing prove successful, sheep all across Switzerland and France could be texting their shepherds as soon as next year at the first sign of danger.

Whose bright idea was it to give this type of technology to animals who find a chihuahua terrifying?

We are just playing god by destroying the effects of natural selection (ignoring the fact that God and natural selection don’t operate well together). We have to let nature take its course. Just like with people in Florida, they are isolated for a reason in what the rest of the country calls “Hell’s Vestibule.”