[Video] Is This Thai IKEA Commercial Offensive to LGBT?

[Video] Is This Thai IKEA Commercial Offensive to LGBT?

Take a look at the video that has Thai transgenders up in arms and crying “prejudice wolf.”

“An ad tagged ‘Forget to Deceive’ aired in late December and January and depicts a young woman so surprised by a bargain that she speaks in a deep male voice (the suggestion being that she’s trans or in drag). The woman’s male companion looks aghast and runs away, as she is left to schlep a heavy box of flat-packed furniture.” Continue reading

Toronto Monkey Sports Fur Coat in Parking Lot

Toronto Monkey Sports Fur Coat in Parking Lot

You never know what fashion moguls you will spot in the big city of Toronto, in this case it was adorable chimp and Tila Tequila look-alike.

“It would start ‘monkey-screaming,'” Yim told CBC News. “It seemed like it was screaming around for someone [IT]knew. It was sad.” Continue reading