[Video] Is This Thai IKEA Commercial Offensive to LGBT?

[Video] Is This Thai IKEA Commercial Offensive to LGBT?

Take a look at the video that has Thai transgenders up in arms and crying “prejudice wolf.”

“An ad tagged ‘Forget to Deceive’ aired in late December and January and depicts a young woman so surprised by a bargain that she speaks in a deep male voice (the suggestion being that she’s trans or in drag). The woman’s male companion looks aghast and runs away, as she is left to schlep a heavy box of flat-packed furniture.” Continue reading

College Student Hit By Mattress From Skyscraper

College Student Hit By Mattress From Skyscraper

You know how they say not to drop pennies from skyscrapers? Well the same goes for mattresses, and here’s why.

A college freshman was back on his feet Wednesday — a day after a mattress fell 30 stories from a Manhattan building and landed on his head.

Jesse Scott Owen, 18, said his sense of humor helped him overcome the neck and back pain he suffered from the futon mattress, which knocked him out cold on Broad St. about 12:45 p.m. Tuesday. Continue reading

Woman Clears Out Hotel Room Furniture

We’ve all collected our share of cheap shampoos, lotions and if we paid in cash then bath towels, but what if someone were to take just about everything?

Authorities noticed that a surveillance video showed the woman lugging away heavy items as well as smaller ones in late March. The woman checks several doors as she walks down the hallway, the tape reveals. Continue reading