$3.6 Million of Weed Found Floating In Water

$3.6 Million of Weed Found Floating In Water

Oh, the gateway drug. It seems you can’t turn a southern California street or take a swim without being offered it.

The pot was packed into 160 bales atop a crate near Dana Point, and is estimated to be worth at least $3.6 million, according to CBS Los Angeles.

A boater first spotted the suspicious bales floating about 15 miles from shore around noon on Sunday, according to the Orange County Register. Continue reading

Trayvon Martin: Rodney King 2012 or Octo-Mom 2012?

There are few controversies that get a response from the president of the United States, but the entire country seems to be in an uproar over the slaying of a 17-year-old, unarmed, African American. Communities (coincidentally in the lower tax bracket) became enraged at the tragedy as if it were the only to have happened in the United States history, but now there is a debate on the basis of the protests in their entirety.

When the media first covered the issue they released a photo of the victim which depicted him as innocent, young and of course unarmed; juxtaposed to this picture was that of Zimmerman who was only lucky enough to get a mug shot to depict his part in the incident. Barack Obama even took the time to comment on the issue, saying that if he had a son, he would look just like Trayvon Martin, giving all the more fuel to the media. Well it doesn’t take a social psychologist to tell you that when you add an innocent black child with an unappealing Hispanic killer and multiply it by the media, you get a full on race war or at least that’s what people want it to be.  Continue reading

Head Hacker & Chola Throwback Model Betrays Hackers

hacker betrays lulzsec

The federal government has does what Hollywood teaches all authority figures to do to vigilante gangs and criminal institutions. Take out the head and the body will fall. This is also happens to be the method of getting rid of vampires, in which case who can we consider the head cocksucking vampire?

This also isn’t the first time Sabu’s been accused as a snitch—a prominent hacker and Sabu-detractor by the name of Virus I spoke with last year ranted about his hunch that the LulzSec leader was a rat:

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